Candid Family Mini Sessions: St. Patricks' Day Scavenger Hunt

One thing’s for sure - the family pictures we take at our candid mini session events are nothing if they’re not real. We plan the events, and essentially hope for nice weather. While it was sunny for our Pot of Gold Scavenger hunt, it was also pretty windy.

But that didn’t stop our family portrait members from bringing their “A” game to the Leprechaun Trap contest.

One of the values behind the portrait membership program centers on the idea of doing something together.
While we couldn’t photograph each family at home making these amazing traps, we know it was an activity they’ll remember doing together. Especially when they look back at their family pictures with their trap, and on the scavenger hunt as a family.

Time spent together is more important to us than the perfect family picture. This is why we believe that our candid mini sessions make sense for your next family portrait session. You can actually read more about that here!

Congrats to the winners of our contest - The Miller family!

Check out our next event here, we’re going to give back for Earth Day and we’d love to have you join us!

Family Pictures in Victor NY: Rochester NY Photographers

How do you adequately say thank you to one of the families who started your photography career?

Follow up question, why are they all grown up? I swear, these kids were little just last week. Over the years, I’ve worked hard at getting them to smile. I’ve made silly jokes, I’ve acted a little crazy, I’ve gotten them to play games, all in an effort to get them to show their real smiles.

This time, all I had to do was say the word “fart” (or some other similar word) and they would crack up.

Ahhh the joys of older kids. Though, I guess it could probably work on the younger kids too. I’ll give it a try at my next session.

Pandemic Reflections: Fairport NY Photographers

One year ago, he left his Kindergarten classroom and everything he knew about life changed.

We were already knee deep in learning so much about him, things that before the end of 2019, we never fully realized. Then toss a global pandemic in like a hand grenade, and everything we thought we knew blew up.

Our first days at home, March 2020.

Our first days at home, March 2020.

We fought every day about doing “school” together. We fought about which parent would be the “teacher.” We each battled our own emotions, stormed out of the house, took long walks apart, yelled, cried and fought some more.

I fought with myself, while trying to keep working, and simultaneously creating STEM activities and art projects for a confused, frustrated and bored 5 year old. We made hard decisions on a daily basis, which at times, were paralyzing in ways I’d never felt before.

Don’t get me wrong, our family’s challenges were (and still are) minimal compared to many, but they were still felt to our very core.

Fast forward to now - vaccinations are happening, and there’s buzz that school might go from 2 days, back to 5 days a week. We can soon visit our vaccinated friends and family inside their homes. At long last, that ever distant light at the end of the tunnel is growing closer.


But the difference is, now I’m sitting next to my child, who is doing his school work independently. There have been no tears or fights over school in a long time. And not only that, he’s getting all the answers right. He’s risen to the challenges with a strength that most adults are still struggling with.

And I know, he’s going to be ok.

I’ve learned more about myself, and have found strength to both keep fighting, and also to let go.

And I know, I am going to be ok.

I’m so proud of him, and of us. We’re a team, and we are stronger together.

Maybe that’s why it hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized that when he goes back, I will miss him.

I’ll miss midday walks in the woods, and going out for ice cream on a random Tuesday afternoon. I’ll miss reading with him on the couch him during the middle of the day. I’ll miss his hugs while I work at my computer. The desk, the art wall, and the space we created for him will be eventually changed back into the office it was before.

Before - a lifetime ago, yet gone so fast.

It’s weird that the thing we’ve complained about all this time, is now the thing I’m going to miss the most. Going forward, my hope and prayer is that not everything goes back to what it was “before.” 

At least, not in our home.

I know my feelings aren’t felt by everyone, but that’s the thing about feelings - they don’t have to be. So tell us, how are you doing one year into pandemic life?

School in progress, March 2021

School in progress, March 2021

Why Candid Family Picture Mini Sessions Make Sense for Your Family Portraits

Recently I shared a blog post full of tips for family portraits. As I wrote it I noticed, that many of the reasons parents dread family pictures, are the exact same reasons we formed our portrait membership program / candid mini session events.

So - below are my thoughts on why our candid event sessions a PERFECT fit for family pictures.

1) Your kids aren’t always “on” for the camera.

If you child has a bad day on the day of your once a year family portrait - that’s your memory of that day. With candid member events, you have chances all year long.


2) Your children get to know your family photographer.

When you book a different photographer for every session, it’s not a surprise that your kids won’t be their real self with them. The kids in our membership get to know us and our silly sides. They trust us more each time we see them, which allows us to capture amazing moments.

3) Real life happens all year long.

And it doesn’t happen in poses either. Sure, it’s nice to have a posed family picture once in a while. But that’s not real life. Our events are different every month, changing with the seasons. They give you a way to play, but also a way to remember that play.


4) Get in front of the camera.

Be honest, which parent spends more time taking pictures with their phone, and which parent is in more of the pictures? Wouldn’t you rather enjoy the moment without the pressure of capturing it? See? We’re solving a problem you didn’t realize you had! Be in the pictures!

5) Variety is the spice of life.

Did I mention you can get photos in all seasons? Prefer fall family fun to winter family fun? That’s fine, but you can have both. Heck, you can even have spring and summer fun too.

There’s no wrong answer when it comes to the kind of family portrait you like, and we offer more than one option. We just really believe in these candid mini session events. We have families that have been with us for years, and it’s amazing to see them grow. So if you want to know more about it - take a peek here.

And if you want to talk more? Hit that cute little button below.

Tips for Family Portraits with Kids: Rochester NY Family Pictures

Do you dread booking your family pictures? Is it overwhelming, and your kids will never behave? We get it. We’ve been there, both as parents and as photographers. It can be hard and frustrating.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Here are six tips for family pictures that might help your portrait session be less stress inducing:

Outfits for Family Pictures:

Your child has never worn a bow tie? Today is not the day to give that look a try. Uncomfortable kids, can be unhappy kids in family pictures. Everyone should feel comfortable in their clothes. So if your child only wears leggings and tutus, let them be themselves.

Food and Sleep:

Make sure your kids are full and rested before your session. Don’t plan your session for right before or during nap times. If you your kids need a full night’s sleep to function, don’t let your kids stay up late the night before.

Also make sure they’re not hangry. Bring snacks (or bribes) as needed. This also goes for adults… you know who you are.


Plan for Enough Time With your Family Photographer:

If your children take a while to warm up to a new face, don’t book a 15 minute mini session with a stranger. Your kids aren’t going to magically turn on real smiles for someone they don’t know that quickly.


Don’t ask them to smile in a frustrated tone, unless you want forced, cheesy smiles. Let your photographer do their job and follow their lead. Let go and relax. It’s a family portrait session, not brain surgery.


Do Something Fun:

Pick a location, or an activity that your children love. Have a few minutes of group photos, then let them play! Let them be kids and let us capture that real relationship you have with them.

Find the Right Family Session for You:

Find the right path for you - whether it’s quick and easy or more in depth.

We built a membership to help you with ALL of the tips above. We know what works, and have created our family sessions options based on them.

Find out more about how this could make sense for your family here.

Or, if you’re ready to talk more about it, we’re ready too.

Family Pictures at Webster Arboretum: Rochester NY Family Portraits

As I sit writing this, I’m grinning because this session was so much fun.

This little lady kept me on my toes the entire session. By the end of it, we had played hide and seek, Simon Says, and raced around Webster Arboretum together. She found me the most perfect fallen leaves, and picked dandelion flowers for us all.

Oh, and we took some family pictures along the way too. If that little smile doesn’t light up your day too, I don’t know what will.

Winter Portraits in Rochester, NY: Rochester NY Family Photographers

So what do you do for your family pictures in Rochester when it’s winter in a pandemic? We recently wrote about this in a recent post: 5 Safe Outdoor Winter Family Portrait Ideas

You go outside and play in the snow! Using a telephoto lens allows us to get great images while easily keeping our distance. This awesome family decided to take us up on the idea, and we were so excited to work with them.

With a football and 2 dogs floating around, this session was extremely relaxed. Some sledding, some cuddling, some masks… it was a great excuse to get out of the house, even if it’s your own back yard.

Your turn! Whats your fun outdoor, pandemic family portrait idea?

Family Pictures at Webster Park: Rochester NY Family Photographers

You know what’s perfect? When siblings set up a portrait session, so they can surprise their mom with pictures on her birthday. What’s better than giving portraits as a gift?

These three are basically every parents dream, right?

We visited Webster Park with the family pups, and created portraits, as well as some more candid scenes. We had to sneak these in before these three left for school in August - so I’ve been waiting to share them for what feels like forever.

But now that I can, I’m smiling all over again at the reminder of those happy dogs, and a great family.

5 Ways to Make Your Holiday Card Stand Out

Ready to switch out your fall scented candles for your Christmas tree scent? If so, then I’m going to assume you’re planning your holiday cards too. This year, it feels like getting mail is a treat again - so why not do something to make your card stand out in the sea of 2020 holiday cards. Here’s a few ideas.

1) Make it Interactive:

If you’re going to send a holiday card, why not make it interesting? We have some fun designs to get you started. Or - what if you included some sort of activity for those with young kids? (Think coloring!) There are options out there - think outside the glittery holiday box!


2) Candid Portraits

Tired of seeing the same holiday props and smiles? Let the pictures on your holiday show off something real! Do something fun - snowball fights or ice skating, show off your moments, not your poses. If you need some ideas, check out our latest post: 5 Ways we can safely photograph your winter portrait session!


3) Make it Frame Worthy:

If you do it right, the beauty of the right size holiday card, is that Grandma can lovingly put it into a frame and keep you on display forever. We can help you out with that if you want!

4) Think Local:

Is there a local artist that you know of selling card designs? Show them your love this year, and encourage your friends and family by showing up for your local small businesses.

5) Send it in January:

You know when people need a pick me up? AFTER the holidays. After the tree comes down, and all that’s left is the wrapping paper bits you find throughout the house until February. Bonus factor: You don’t have to rush to get them completed. Some call it procrastination, I call it genius.


Thanks for stopping by! Let us know if we can help you create your holiday card, or it’s gorgeous photos this year!

Winter Family Picture Ideas in Rochester NY: Fairport NY Photographers

If you know me, you know that I am not a winter person. Most years, I’m firmly in the “hibernate until Spring” camp. This year though I might have to put on my thermal wear and go for it. And if you ask me to, I’ll do it - but only as long as I get to capture your family pictures in winter along the way.

So if you want a family portrait taken this winter, here’s a few ways we can create your winter family portrait, and whole lot of beautiful, candid pictures too.

1) Sledding and hot cocoa:

Grab your sleds, and your kids and head to the nearest sledding hill. Then enjoy the moments and happy smiling faces. Along the way bundle close together with your cute hot cocoa mugs for a winter family portrait.


2) Snowball fights, snow forts, and snow angels:

We’ve had this spontaneously happen at winter family portraits in Rochester. It is a lot of fun.


3) Take a hike:

Just because there’s no leaves on the trees, doesn’t mean your favorite trail to hike with the family is ugly now. We can find a beautiful backdrop just about anywhere if we look hard enough.


4) Ice skating:

And there’s even an outdoor ice skating rink we could visit at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park/Manhattan Square Park! Can you see the laughter as you hold onto each other for dear life in your pictures? Because I can, and the moment is fantastic.

Speaking of which, we’ll be there next week for a candid mini session event!


5) Have a backyard campfire:

Do you have a fire pit? Is it useable in the winter? It’ll make your family pictures feel more special! Sure you’ll have to bundle up a little, but some adorable winter coats can make great outfit choices!


So anyway, just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean we have to stop playing outside. It definitely doesn’t have to stop your family pictures. We just have to get a bit more creative and adventurous!

I’ve got my long underwear ready, so let’s go!

Apple Picking Candid Mini Sessions: Victor NY Family Portraits

We took a lemon of a year, and turned it into safe family mini sessions. How about them apples?

Ok yeah sorry, that was terrible. What wasn’t terrible, (in fact it was the complete opposite) was our annual apple picking, candid mini member event.

We’ve been photographing our member families long enough to remember when some of our older members were our youngest members. I distinctly remember images and moments from those portrait session events.

That’s what I love about our candid member mini sessions; I love capturing these same smiles, year after year as they go from babies to little kids. It’s such an honor to stay a part of their lives on a regular basis.

Curious about what I mean by “candid member mini sessions” yet? Don’t be shy, find out more information!

How You Can Help a Small Business in Rochester this Season

1) Buy Local:

Money in the community, stays in the community. It’s as simple as that. If you don’t feel comfortable going into their store or location, see if they have an online option, or give them a call to make a curbside purchase.

2) Give a gift certificate:

Have a favorite restaurant you love? Or photographer perhaps? (Yes, that was a shameless plug). Same ways to buy as #1 applies here too!

4) Get Take Out, and Tip:

I know restaurants are currently open, but that doesn’t mean they’re out of the woods. If it’s applicable and you’re able to do it, tip well. Service workers and small family run restaurants need your love.

3) Use your Voice:

Small businesses don’t just grow because of social media. Refer them, share your experiences, be their cheerleaders. And yes, you can do all of those things on social media too. Tag them in your posts, and let others know about them.

4) Engage:

It’s not enough for a business to have followers online, they need engagement too. Comment on their posts, like them, share them, and do it regularly if you’re able. Reach out to them and see how you can be helpful.

5) Leave a Review:

Have some love to share about a favorite business you worked with this year? Give them a google review. You have no idea how much this helps people find and trust a local small business.

Some of this is so simple and even free, so please give your favorite local businesses your love. They/we appreciate you so much and they need you more than ever before. If there’s any way we can help you in this season, please reach out. Let’s keep small business alive together!
