day in the life portrait session

Family Portraits in Pittsford NY: Lifestyle Newborn Photography

Little brothers are the best. For this particular big brother, they make the perfect roadway for a hot wheels car, and also for some occasional adorable kisses.

Going from one child to two is kind of a big deal. There's all sorts of ups and downs involved that change your whole world in an instant. Welcoming this little man into the family means longer days, and definitely longer nights. But they're doing it together, with lots of going with the flow and lots of laughter.

Packers fans through and through (much to Lori's delight) they sported their jerseys with Cheesehead pride. And when big brother didn't want to be part of the pictures, he played - karate chopping bubbles and swinging in Daddy's arms. And as always, they went with it. Because what else can you do?

In the end when laying in bed with both of your babies in your arms is what you need to do - you go with it. Even if you are exhausted, enjoy every second of it. Because all too soon, this time of your lives shall also pass - with or without nap time.

When it does, we hope these photos will happily remind you of these early days as a family of four (plus dog).

~ Erin

Home Family Portrait Session with two young boys

Any session that ends in a hug is a great session.

Three year old Cruz wasn't sure about me when I first walked in, but after playing in the puddles and running down the sidewalk, he was ready to be my photo assistant. 

He and brother Julian are all you'd expect out of 1 and 3 year old boys. They don't sit still (for any length of time) and love to play! Making play dough in the kitchen and cutting out shapes was a great family activity. It was also the easiest way to slow them down, if only temporarily. This authenticity is what I love about family photos - real, every day fun.

At the end, as I packed up and headed out to leave this Rochester, NY portrait session, Cruz came running across the house with a hug for me. The feeling is mutual little friend!

Hope to see you again soon!