Pittsford Dairy

Holiday Candid Mini Sessions in Pittsford NY: Fairport NY Photographers

Our holiday family candid mini sessions at Pittsford Dairy were so dang cute!

From warming up by the fire to playing a quick game of hide and seek in the trees, this was the perfect location for some winter mini sessions for our families.

And when we were finished, we all headed inside for a fun, sweet treat! I mean, honestly how could we pass it up?

Looking for our next Candid Mini Session option? Check them out below!

Pittsford Dairy Farms Family Pictures

It’s the dead of winter, the time of year when it starts to get harder to see the grey skies every single day. Personally, winter isn’t my thing. I prefer spring time and summer to this bundling up.

But then I photograph an awesome family like this and I think “ok, yes, maybe winter can be bright and happy.”

I mean, they were the perfect amount of giggles and hugs and fun with a hot chocolate break in the middle. A little goofy fun mixed with a whole lot of love. They made photographing a winter family portrait session look easy.

And when the snow fell lightly at the right moment, adding just a touch of season to the images - perfection all around.

See for yourself!
