I’ll never forget that first nice day of Spring in March, when it was 75 and windy. I spent it at the Golisano Children’s Hospital celebrating Maddie and her purple hair. She’s lost it by now.
Maddie is just about 6 years old, and recently diagnosed with Leukemia. She’s smart and fun, and she may be small, but she is mighty.
Her parents run the kid oriented business, Spotlight Performing Arts Studio, which is how we met several years ago. We’re all members of the local merchants association.
Maddie is already deep into treatment, and they expect to be in the hospital for the next 5-6 months. John and Kaitlyn also have a little boy, Jackson.
As parents, all of this is hard to fathom. We did what we felt we could, but there’s such a long road ahead and they could use all the support we as a community can give.
It’s been awhile since I shot this session for them, but their needs remain the same. Please join us in supporting these beautiful people while they go through the impossible.
Here are some ways you can help:
Sign up for the meal train: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/40oeg7
Donate to their gofundme page: https://gofund.me/7839e43d or give directly on venmo @kaitlyn-barthelmes