Victor High School Senior Portraits: Justin

I'd like you to meet Justin, and his adorable lab, Micco!

This right here is what all senior sessions should be... a little bit of adventure, and a lot of fun! We explored the village of Victor and found some great settings for Justin.

We showed off his casual side, got a little patriotic, and then went up the hill to Ganondagan where you can find him running with the cross-country team. He told me about this great view, and we managed to get there right at sunset. Perfect timing. :)

Have a great senior year Justin, and if you are looking for something a little different for your senior portraits, say hello!


Lori Coleman

The daughter of filmmakers, Lori may have been predestined for a life in the creative world. She met her husband, John, while studying photography at RIT. When not creating heirlooms for her friends, family, and clients, she can usually be found in the woods or on a yoga mat. Either way, her dogs Molley and Mouse are never far away.