March in the Rochester NY area is what we call “Mud Season.” But it’s also the time of year for Maple EVERYTHING, which makes March awesome.
The idea for “pancakes and pictures” as a Candid Mini Session was born out of necessity during the pandemic. That first portrait session event was of a tailgating variety, but has evolved now that the barn at Kettle Ridge Farm has opened for dining.
First, you eat the pancakes, and spend time with your family. Then after everyone’s bellies are full, we take a few fun family pictures!
This year it was a touch cold and rainy, but we did it anyway. We even got away with asking the kids to jump in the puddles - because believe it or not, those playful family photographs are priceless as your children grow.
We’re thankful for our families who brave the weather, and are willing to hang with us, even if we get a little wet.