6 Month Session at Home: Family Pictures in Webster

Little Alaina is just full of smiles! It was such a pleasure to spend some time with her in front of the Christmas tree for her first Christmas and also, her six month photo session.

She may be young, but she was definitely ready to rip open some gifts! She also loved when her momma read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Alaina is a lucky girl with two awesome parents and a wonderful nana to spoil her. And oh my cuteness, she's definitely got her momma's hair, look at that!

I look forward to watching her growth continue! Until next time,

Lori Coleman

The daughter of filmmakers, Lori may have been predestined for a life in the creative world. She met her husband, John, while studying photography at RIT. When not creating heirlooms for her friends, family, and clients, she can usually be found in the woods or on a yoga mat. Either way, her dogs Molley and Mouse are never far away.